Is it really great? Or does it look like a basic photohop filter was used to make rounded cylinders using gradations?
Sorry, but I'm afraid it's the latter. I am (if you couldn't tell) not a fan of the direction the GW interface is taking; it's not very fantasy looking, too simplistic, and amateurish. If you don't buy that, at least ask yourself, "is it up to the standards of quality that the rest of the design work in GW displays?" Frankly, it feels underdeveloped and doesn't particularly complement the rest of the artwork.
Kudos, however, for having more consistency than we saw in the March BWE with regards to the interface. Also, in defense of the header now seen on the opening screen, the golden glow reflected in the lower half of the logo area is a nice touch, subtle and warm.
It's just that I had hoped for better after being sucked in by the overall quality of design we've seen from the ANET team...